The Connections table allows users to view all network connections within the current project. This table provides an easy way for users to find network connections of interest.
The Connections table contains the following columns:
Smart Filter
When the Smart Filter button is selected, the table will be filtered to display only the selected host(s).
The entire table can be exported by selecting the Export Visible Connections (CSV) button.
When exporting the table, the currently displayed rows will be exported; there are 40 rows displayed by default. To view more rows, utilize the scrollbar within the table.
View Settings
Users can change the visible columns by accessing the View Settings dropdown.
Users can hover over a connection to reveal the source and destination devices within the network topology view as well as the relevant blocks within the Timeline.
Clicking on a connection row will modify the topology extents to encompass the source and destination devices.
Clicking on an individual host within a connection row will zoom the topology to the selected host.