Cyberspatial News

Introducing Subnet Filtering and Custom Layouts

March 26, 2023

Tired of looking at too many assets within the topology? You can now use the subnet/CIDR filter within your project to limit what you see. We've also made some visual updates to the Inspector panel, improvements to the layout of VLANs within the topology, and added the ability to create and save custom layouts within the application. Additionally, the tool now extracts additional file attachments from PCAP data.

Network Topology Enhancements

  • CIDR updates: Subnet/CIDR Notation Filtering: Users can now filter the network topology based on subnet/CIDR notation, enabling focused analysis.

Improved User Experience

  • 3D animations: 3D Selection Animation Highlighting: Enhancing the visual feedback when selecting elements in the network topology for improved interactivity.
  • Topology updates: Layout Fixes for VLANs: Resolved issues with the layout of VLANs, ensuring accurate representation within the topology.

Enhanced Data Extraction

  • File attachment support: Additional File Attachments: Now extracting and displaying additional file attachments, providing a more comprehensive view of the data.

Inspector Panel Updates

  • Inspector pane visualizations: Visual Enhancements: Applied visual updates to the Inspector panel, enhancing the user interface for better usability and aesthetics.

Custom Layouts

  • Updated custom layouts: Users can now create and save custom layouts within the application, allowing for personalized visualization and improved workflow.
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